Renaissance Man - Philip Brunelle And Music

01 - Education



Welcome to the debut episode of "Renaissance Man - Philip Brunelle and Music," an ongoing podcast series with noted conductor, organist, musical leader, educator and entrepreneur Philip Brunelle by his son, Tim. This show connects the dots across all kinds of music - especially choral, church and opera, with the arts, non-profits, entrepreneurialism, education, and travel around the world. In this first episode, we're going to start at the beginning and focus on Philip's musical education. We talk about being a boy soprano performing at age 4, about requesting and receiving - at age 6 - a vocal score of Handel’s Messiah for Christmas. We talk about his piano teachers and organ teachers - and the influence they've had on an extensive career. We also talk about how a musician becomes a musician. And about the state of music education here in America as well as around the world. It's a fitting start to Renaissance Man.