Nobel Peace Center

Investing in Peace: Advancing the Prevention Agenda



A high-level dialogue discussing the need for a move beyond a reactive model of responding to humanitarian emergencies and conflicts to a proactive, preventative model that secures inclusive approaches and long-term commitment to support and sustain peace. Investing in Peace: Advancing the Prevention Agenda is part of a series of dialogues co-hosted by the Nobel Peace Center in Oslo and the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) to explore the Nobel Peace Prize 2020, awarded to the World Food Programme. The event will explore the interrelation between hunger and conflict, food security and peace and the role of food security in building more peaceful societies. It will open with keynote interventions followed by interventions by practitioners to showcase how strategies are being translated into action on the ground. With: Flemming Møller Mortensen, Minister for Development Cooperation and Minister for Nordic Cooperation, Denmark Dag-Inge Ulstein, Minister of International Development, Norway David Beasle