[value Investing How-to; Negotation How-to]

automation is a mindset



#whatsgoingontoday is addressing a question if I default into: "Who should do this work?" when the team needs to do more work. I also defaulted into that mode till a blog by #zapier shifted my mindset to: "How should I get my work done?" The next time that more work needs to be done, remember: "How should I get my work done?" Drop your feedback with Summer so that I can read it -> https://m.me/askminanhowto -- Music credits to Oshóva (https://soundcloud.com/osh-va) -- Thank you for listening this podcast. I hope you keep up with the videos I post on the channel. Follow and share your learning with those that need to hear it. Say "Hey" in the comments below so that I know that my podcast has reached you. -- Follow me via: LinkedIn: https://sg.linkedin.com/in/min-an-heah-13951a4b