The Niggle Podcast

The NCG Podcast: Why does the World Handicap System use 8 out of 20 scores?



Seven days to D-Day – the dawn of the biggest shake up in amateur golf in decades. The World Handicap System arrives on November 2 and if there are still elements that leave you utterly befuddled, never fear we are here to help. If you haven’t already, click on to our dedicated WHS page at where you can find detailed explanations of everything from how your handicap might move under the new system to what you need to think about in competitions. But if you’re a bit short of time and just want to get your head around a few of the key concepts then we have also got you covered. We’ve teamed up with Scottish Golf to produce a series of short 10-minute podcasts going into more depth about some of the new system’s key concepts. In the second, I’m joined by David Kernohan, the governing body’s head of handicapping and course rating, to talk about how the new averaging system works, why we’re now using the best eight out of the last 20 scores and why it finally means the end of the dreaded