Smart Counsel

Attachment And Theology With Krispin Mayfield



Jesus loves me, this I know…if my parents were attuned to my feelings…and if my church presented God as a secure attachment figure. Easy. Right? Well… Rhys Pasimio and Krispin Mayfield tackle the intersections, tensions, and sometimes contradictions between Attachment Science and Theological beliefs and practices typical of many American Protestant Evangelical Churches. We compare and contrast Protestant concepts of God, Sin, Love and Relationship with the same concepts viewed from perspectives of Attachment Science, and Eastern Orthodoxy. We look at how healthy attachment is formed, how healthy attachment is confused, and what counselors and churches can do differently as we nurture our people. Rhys Pasimio – Krispin Mayfield – Krispin can also be found on the podcast Attached to the Invisible. Please visit to learn how you can support the podcast. Thanks! The Master’s in Counseling program at Multnomah University and New Patt