Smart Counsel

Theories of Addiction Part II - Disease Model, Evolutionary Model, Psychological Model, and others.



Rhys Pasimio continues his lecture series in an Overview of Addictions class in a Master in Counseling program. In this lecture, he discusses a variety of theories that answer the question of What is Addiction? These include the Enlightenment Model, Genetic Model, Disease Model, Evolutionary Model, Educational Model, Psychological Model, Developmental Model, and Socio-cultural model. He spends the most time on the Disease Model, examining implications of regarding addicted people as “Sick” rather than merely “Deviant.” This episode of SMART Counsel features the following professionals: Rhys Pasimio – Please visit to learn how you can support the podcast. Thanks! The Master’s in Counseling program at Multnomah University and New Pattern Counseling present this podcast as a resource for aspiring and current professionals, as well as members of the greater community. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of Multnomah University