Smart Counsel

Great Care and Where to Find It



“People are not problems. Problems are not things to be fixed, People are people to be loved.” - Michelle Jones What can counselors and pastors learn from each other? What unique offerings and strengths does each have for a person on a healing journey? And when should they refer out to each other. Michelle Jones is a pastor at Imago Dei church in Portland, Oregon. She and Rhys get personal and share stories of when they needed care and where they did or did not find it and what they have learned from those experiences that impacts how they now seek to serve others. This episode of SMART Counsel features the following professionals: Rhys Pasimio – Michelle Jones – Please visit to learn how you can support the podcast. Thanks! The Master’s in Counseling program at Multnomah University and New Pattern Counseling present this podcast as a resource for aspiring and current professionals, as well as members of the greater community. The