Smart Counsel

The Masculinity Diaries, with Jeremy Jones and Jacob Schwartz



What do you think or feel first when you hear the phrase, “Be a man,” or “Be manly?” Does this inspire you to greatness? Or does this drop a heavy burden on your soul? Rhys, Jeremy, and Jacob got together one day to share stories about food and about growing up in male bodies. We talked about secular and Christian paradigms of masculinity, and some ideas that both the counseling clinic and the church could consider when guiding young boys into being young men. Along the way we compared terms of “Toxic Masculinity” to the more approachable “Limiting Masculinity.” We talked about how we feel about our feelings, and about the stories we were once told that now we tell ourselves about what is meant by being a man. This episode of SMART Counsel features the following professionals: Rhys Pasimio – Jeremy Jones – Jacob Schwartz – on Instagram!) Please visit to learn how you can support the podcast. Than