Jeff Stevens Creative

Episode 1636: Ray and Max McAnallen. Father and Son in the STL creative biz



McAnallen and Son. When you meet Ray McAnallen, he’s one of those guys you don’t forget. Cigar, beard, Hawaiian shirt, that certain swagger – is he a private eye in a Carl Hiasson book? A Lost Jimmy Buffet keyboardist who missed the tour bus? Nope, Ray is a St. Louis Ad man. And what you see is what you get with Ray - he’s been part of the St. Louis ad scene for 30 plus years. From his days as an art director at the height of D’Arcy to his current run with Ad Savants, Ray possesses that always enthusiastic vibe and quick laugh that you can tell brings real fun to insanity of the ad biz. His son Max not only joined him for the cast, but also has started his own career in the scene, coming up in HR none the less, but now has found his way into the new St. Louis creative endeavor, Startups. The guys talk about their father/son relationship, what it was like growing up in a household run by a “creative”, advice on keeping it real, and getting ready for the upcoming Agency Jam. Enjoy.