Guided Lines

Episode 012: Luke Langton



"Born and raised in the KC area, I grew up on a farm just north of the city spending most summers chasing bass and blue gill on the old worm and bobber, like most Midwesterners do. I started fly fishing about 17 years ago, first was pretty caught up with the trout game as the family started to grow I had to figure how to get the most out of my time on the water. Jumping in a car and driving a couple hours to get to trout water wasn’t really an everyday option, so I started utilizing some of our local fisheries and really haven’t looked back. I’m definitely a bass guy, the hybrids and smallmouth are on top of my list, I still love getting out and chasing the bucket mouths too. I started The Midwest Drift blog a couple years ago in hopes of showing what kind of fisheries this area of the Midwest has to offer. I’m an avid fly tyer, I teach a lot of K&K Fly Shops Saturday morning clinics and this past year started filling some small custom fly orders. Now that my girls are getting a little older getting them hook