Double Page Spread

Double Page Spread ep 207- Andrew Shaw



Prepare for a silly and NSFW episode as Wendi chats with very dear friend and return guest, writer Andrew Shaw. In addition to dirty sounding perfume descriptions, the inappropriateness of a horse at comic convention, talk of Michael Rooker, wrestler Joey Ryan, 70s porn and how Wendi almost got fired over suspicious banana behavior, they get down to the serious business of Andrew's new book "Cul De Sac". Billed as "An Australian Horror Story" it combines the exceptional painting of Will Pleydon against a backdrop of the idyllic 50s in an unsettling anthology. If you're a fan of the bawdy "No Apologies" crossover episodes, this is a must listen.  This podcast is part of the Taylor Network, which is a home to many great podcasts, all available on the Taylor Network feed on iTunes, Stitcher Radio and Google Play. Like the "Lil Cappy" and cutesy Tom Kelly "Double page Spread" logos? Get them on a t-shirt or tote bags or mugs at Brought to you by