Gotham Undercover

GU97 - S5E08 - Nothing's Shocking



Nothing's Shocking about Jane Doe who assumes the face and identity of people to seek revenge. Nothing's shocking about Mr. Peen  who comes back controlled by Scarface the dummy. Nothing's shocking about toxic river water turning people into killers. Really? This must be Gotham City! A Shocking Blast From The Past: [caption id="attachment_34894" align="aligncenter" width="795"] ©2019 Fox Broadcasting Co. Cr: FOX[/caption] Jane Doe, Sarah Pidgeon, is out to take revenge on the cops who destroyed Jane Cartwright's life. This shocking villain is a link back to one of Bullock's first cases. Boggs, Lews, Dix (Harvey's former partner) and Harvey caught a case at the start of Bullock's career. A Mrs. Cartwright murdered her husband and confessed but later recanted. The crew didn't have enough evidence, so Harvey leaned on the 7 year old daugher Jane. She identified her mom as the killer. Harvey later learned that the husband beat his wife and Jane. Jane got passed around foster care and eventually ended up in Arkham