Cannabis Economy

Ep. 519: Betty Aldworth



Betty Aldworth returns to join us for a discussion on what 2020 will mean for cannabis policy reform and for Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP). She strongly believes that 2020 will be one of the biggest years for legislative reform the movement has ever seen: "In 2020, we are looking at as many as 8 or 11 valid initiatives in states plus another 8 or 11 states taking up viable marijuana legalization legislation in their state houses or assemblies for either adult or medical use." Besides state legislation, Aldworth also says that 2020 should be a big year for federal reform as well. Although the STATES Act has gotten a lot of attention from cannabis activists, Aldworth believes that the MORE Act is what we should be focusing on, as it is more likely to get passed. She also discusses exciting work happening in Oregon and other states, access to medical cannabis, homegrow, and more.