Positive Productivity With Kim Sutton

PP 520: Aligning Your Values with Rachell Kitchen



“When we are not aligned with what we value and not aligned with what we feel is not our purpose, our mind tricks us. It’s very clever on how it’s going to get us back in alignment.” As she’s some kind of wonder woman, Rachell Kitchen is a certified life coach, mom, homemaker, business woman and a tireless volunteer. She has gone through so many transitions in her life which she has now chosen to use to consciously renavigate her path to where she wants it to go. At 50, Rachell is now helping other women who are in the same dilemma as she was to move forward and create a joyful and fruitful life for themselves. Let Rachell Kitchen take you on her journey in finding her path in life coaching. Here, she identifies why people self-sabotage, what lessons you need to learn, why giving into emotions are important, and how life coaching is really a serious business. Listen on as Kim herself take in “Aha” moments throughout this podcast, and maybe you can get some yourself. Check out my website: http://thekimsutton.c