Positive Productivity With Kim Sutton

PP541: Working Smarter, Not Harder with Johnathan Grzybowski



“If you’re not having fun, stop doing it.” Johnathan started his entrepreneurial journey at 14 mowing lawns. Today he is the Co-Founder of Penji, a provider of unlimited graphic design. Listen as Johnathan and Kim chat about mindset, team building, productivity, delegation and more. HIGHLIGHTS 9:00 Johnathan defines “Lucky” and explains his thoughts on luck 10:50 What Penji does 12:55 Cutting back on service to step up success 15:40 Unlimited graphic design 20:40 Ego and how it affects business growth 28:00 Helping our team members achieve THEIR dreams 32:25 Instagram pods 48:00 Task prioritization and delegation Get the show notes and transcription at https://thekimsutton.com/pp541