Positive Productivity With Kim Sutton

PP 565: Know What Is True About You with Sensei Damion Lupo



“The truth that we are going to find is in the mistakes that we make the fastest, so your job is to find ways to screw up faster and learn faster because that’s where your wealth is going to live” He is a 5th-degree black belter and the founder of the art of Yokido, but Damion is more than just that. Considered as a Sensei from Black Belt Wealth, Damion Lupo is also a financial mentor to Transformation nation and a best selling author. Damion is a firm believer of the importance of making mistakes in your journey towards success and how experience is the best teacher. He takes this interview to a different level talking about asking yourself the right questions, how crucial it is to share your truth and how super successful people say no to almost everything. Let Damion take you through this profound journey towards success by learning to take control of your money, breaking financial shackles and taking accountability for your actions. Check out my website: https://thekimsutton.com/Shownotes: https://thekims