Positive Productivity With Kim Sutton

PP 585: Empower the Next Generation of Young Leaders with Wolf Castillo



“Rely on community … You will be surprised at what happens when we elevate ourselves from this individualistic society and culture we've been raised into, a level of community and collective growth that we can truly provide in a measurable amount of value to ourselves and to others.”   You’re in for another special treat with our today’s guest, Wolf Castillo, formerly, Jarrod Castillo. He is a Life Skills and Mindset Coach, Mentor and Speaker for youth success and empowerment. As his tag line, “follow the wolf”, suggests, youths are at the age where they need guidance, someone to follow and help them make the right decisions.   In this society’s standards, Wolf had every reason to boast as a youth. He excelled in school, athletics and his jobs; but something was missing. Behind all his successes was a depressed young man. Learn how he managed to get past his troublesome seasons and how he can help you and your teens become prepared for their future.   Almost every household has a teenager. And often, they are