Positive Productivity With Kim Sutton

PP 648: Reverse Engineer Your Success with Tim Meuchel



You have the opportunity in this world [to]... impact and help many people that are looking for that little piece to get them over that hump.” -Tim Meuchel Success is a universally elusive concept. Everybody can define the word but only a few can really give life to its meaning. If your entrepreneurial journey is a struggle, maybe you’re up for a little restructuring. Today, Tim Meuchel shares his own ups and downs and the lessons he’s learned along the way. As a fellow in business, he had his own guilt trip and seasons of nothingness. Born from his failures was the 10 Factor program, the entrepreneur’s blueprint to success which will be introduced in this episode. Tim also shares 3 things that can help you to get to where you want to be. Tune in and learn about these awesome tips and skill sets. Know your worth and hold on to it. Only then can you hear success knocking on your door.    Check out my website for shownotes Follow Kim on: Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Highlights: 02:18 What It’s Like To Have A