Andy Petranek Podcast

76: Scott McGee - On Grit, Resilience, and Having an Unconquerable Soul



Scott McGee is a dedicated father and husband, professional good guy/guardian, loyal friend, CrossFitter, and eternal optimist with an open mind and an unconquerable soul - that’s directly from his website. He’s a police officer, serving Santa Monica, CA as a detective, beat officer and a member of the SWAT team. He’s one of the three hosts of the popular CrossFit podcast - the WODCast Podcast. He’s also recently created a blog called The Sisu Way where he writes regularly. And he’s husband plus a father of two awesome boys. Scott’s physical presence is awesome. He’s imposing… driving a black SUV with tinted windows, wearing all black clothes, black sunglasses, bald… and at 6’4” and muscular, you’re immediately confronted by his presence. If you look no further, you might think you’re in for trouble just seeing him pull up. He’s definitely one person that you want on your team! But if you take the time to get to know more about this man’s man, you quickly see that his heart, spirit and commitment to serving