Andy Petranek Podcast

93: Greg Glassman — CrossFit and the Battle with Big Soda



Greg Glassman, the founder of the global fitness company and community movement, CrossFit, Inc., is a true visionary. Not afraid to speak his mind or upset people if that’s what it takes to deliver his message, Glassman is on a quest to end the involvement of “Big Soda” in the health sciences. [Note: For the complete set of show notes, links, and contact info, head to] Wait, back up. Did you even know that PepsiCo and Coca-Cola, Inc. were involved in the world of health sciences? Oh yes — they are. And how are they involved? Pepsi and Coke both provide money to run health programs, initiatives and studies. And because of that, they get to assert their power, creating their own health science target agenda based on corporate fiscal goals, initiatives that get created, what gets studied, who gets hired to conduct studies, which of the studies continue to get funding, and perhaps even which study results get shared and which don’t. When the world is suffering from an ob