Andy Petranek Podcast

105—Eric Remensperger: Curing Cancer, Saving Yourself



“There is this misconception that we have that we can kick the can down the road in anything in our life that we’re not happy with. We can just wait ‘til tomorrow...these tomorrows may never come.” -Eric Remensperger We each have moments in our lives that forever shift our trajectory. Sometimes they are clearly positive - graduating from college or meeting our future spouse, for example. Other times, the positive side is hard to see, such as being diagnosed with a life-threatening condition. For Eric Remensperger, stage four prostate cancer was both life-shattering and an undeniable call to purpose, a call which he now devotes himself to answering. [Note: For the complete set of show notes, links, and contact info, head to] Once a hard-drinking, hard-living New York City attorney, Eric knew that he couldn’t maintain that lifestyle and expect to live a long, healthy life. He started down the wellness road in the 90’s, making big changes in long-term habits to improv