Andy Petranek Podcast

110: Joe DiStefano — Spontaneous Digital Detox



Could you go a week without your phone, without email, Facebook, or even text messaging? Sometimes the thing we try to avoid is the thing we need the most. My guest today, Joe DiStefano, found that, despite his fears, a “digital detox” was exactly what he needed to break out of stress and stagnation. For more than 6 years, Joe has been working with Spartan Race, Inc, and is now Director of Sport & Training Initiatives at Spartan Race. He has a bachelor of science degree in Exercise and Sports Science from Fitchburg State University, and has almost completed his master’s degree in Sports Psychology. Joe is certified through the NASM as a Performance Enhancement Specialist and Corrective Exercise Specialist and is also a Strength and Conditioning Specialist through the NSCA. He has been trained at the C.H.E.K Institute as a Holistic Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach. [Note: For the complete set of show notes, links, and contact info, head to]