Training & Coaching Lifestyle with John Spencer Ellis

How to Create Your First Information Product



You Will Learn EXACTLY How to Turn Your Ideas, Workouts, Wellness Plans, Training Systems, Diets, Coaching Programs and Transformation Classes into HIGHLY PROFITABLE Online Information Products!   Imagine…. You can help people all over the world, earn money 24/7/365 and increase your free time. Let the power of the Internet work for you. You can still train and coach in a traditional setting while you ALSO make money selling your information online at the same time.  You may also decide to simply switch to a completely digital business model.           The Training and Coaching Lifestyle Podcast hosted by John Spencer Ellis. Topics include business, marketing, branding, PR, publicity, SEO, social media, lifestyle design, wealth creation, program design, education, certification and success for fitness, coaching, wellness, nutrition, personal training and personal development experts. Learn how to work less, earn more, and have more fun while you help your clients reach their goals.  Guests include: Chris Brow