Get A Clue, Nancy Drew

GACND MS006: The Secret of Red Gate Farm



Guess who's back, back again? Nancy's back, tell a friend! This week we're back with Nancy Drew Mystery Stories #6 The Secret of Red Gate Farm. We're determined that Brinny is once again probably on a government watchlist for researching yet another risky topic. If you're ever in a situation where you may be arrested, just do what also helps Nancy -- name drop Papa Drew, and you'll be out in a jiffy! River Heights has a surprising amount of data on the state of the current cult situation. And we introduce another theory: Groundhog Day! Or rather, Never-ending always repeating summer for Nancy and crew. Could we possibly have stumbled onto something? Like what you hear? We'd love for you to leave us a review! For updates on all thing GACND, follow us on Twitter @getacluepodcast and Facebook! And last, but certainly not least... Got a clue for a future episode or just wanna chat? Shoot us an email at!