Get A Clue, Nancy Drew

GACND MS012: The Message In the Hollow Oak



This week Nancy gets down and dirty... at an archaeological site with Nancy Drew Mystery Stories #12 The Message In the Hollow Oak! The Syndicate has finally realized what we want -- nameless villains! Only one bad guy gets the honor of a name, and we're a-okay with it. Nancy and Ned have their first case of an awkward third-wheel situation, Bess continues her love of cooking, and George is still being George. But the real question is, what's up with these messages in the trees?! Like what you hear? We'd love for you to subscribe and leave us a review! For updates on all things GACND, follow us on Twitter @getacluepodcast and Facebook at! And last, but certainly not least... Got a clue for future episode or just wanna chat? Shoot us an email at!