Getting Personal: Omics Of The Heart

24 January 2019



Jane Ferguson:                Hello everyone, and happy new year. Welcome to episode 24 of Getting Personal: Omics of the Heart. It's January 2019, I am Jane Ferguson, an assistant professor at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and an associate editor at Circulation Genomic and Precision Medicine. We have a great line-up of papers this month in the journal, so let's jump right into the articles.                                            First up, a paper from Christopher Nelson, Nilesh Samani, and colleagues from the University of Lester entitled, "Genetic Assessment of Potential Long-Term On-Target Side Effects of PCSK9 Inhibitors."                                            I think most listeners are well aware of the efficacy of PCSK9 inhibition in reducing cardiovascular risk. However, as a relatively new treatment option, we do not yet have data on potential long-term side effects of PCSK9 inhibition. In this study, they utilized genetics as a proxy to understand potential long-term consequences of