M&A Unplugged

27. Cyber Security Preparedness with Craig Sherwood



In this episode, Domenic and Craig Sherwood discuss:  The importance of cyber security due diligence before a merger and acquisition deal.  Whether you’re a buyer or a seller, how cyber security preparedness can increase the value of your offer.      How Shambliss performs their functional assessment of a business in order to create a guide map for improved security measures.  The value of best practices in security to increase competitiveness in the B-2-B marketplace.     Key Takeaways:    US companies based in America are the world’s most vulnerable to cyber attacks. The average time to identify a cyber security breach of any sort is roughly 200 days, and in 2019, the average cost of a breach was roughly $8 million for a middle market organization.  Companies should be ISO 27,001 certified to be more attractive to buyers. Review the company’s insurance policy to make sure it covers cyber security attacks.    "As deals become more complicated, as money frees up, there are going to be more attributes and