M&A Unplugged

97: What You Need To Know About SBA Loans with Doug Adams



Do you want to be knowledgeable and prepared when you decide to exit your own business? Having an in-depth look at Small Business Acquisition Loans (SBA) will come in handy when that day arises. Today’s guest is Douglas Adams, the principal and president of Emerson Capital Corp, which provides financial solutions in business acquisition loans. In this episode, Douglas discusses with Domenic Rinaldi the qualification, costs, and debt structure of SBA. If you want to have great intel so you can better understand the assumptions that banks and buyers make with SBA, then this episode is for you. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join the M&A Unplugged Community today: k2adviser.com M&A Unplugged Twitter M&A Unplugged Facebook M&A Unplugged Instagram