Leupold Core Insider

Ep. 30: A Guide's Life with Jim Shockey's Outfitters



In an age of fleeting digital acquaintances, a lasting bond can quickly develop between a guide and their clients. Eight months after hunting with David Lawless and Ryan Leef of Jim Shockey's Pacific Rim Guide Outfitters, Leupold’s Michael Wunnicke and Lucas Burt caught back up with the crew at the Safari Club International trade show to talk about guide life, client do’s and don'ts, and what it feels like to turn forty-five. While both David and Ryan now spend most of their time leading Jim Shockey’s clients all over Canada, they each bring uniquely different experiences and perspectives to the table. Subjects Discussed: Getting into the guide business; being elected to Canadian Parliament; what happened to Ryan’s binoculars; and their proudest moments in the bush.