Entrepreneurs In Motion

073: Year in review 2017



My annual review process is very simple - I ask myself "What went well?" and "What didn't go well?" so that I can reflect on everything and take the lessons I learned into the upcoming year. In today's episode, I'm sharing my answers to those questions for 2017. Highlights: How much my business revenue grew WITHOUT any new product launches - and what I spent most of my time doing instead (1:20) My month of working only an hour a day during a major personal milestone (5:45) The biggest productivity win this year (8:52) What I did to help stop expenses from getting out of hand (13:55) A sale and an advertising experiment that both flopped (16:21) Why I'm not going to do live videos regularly (19:31) Disappointing results from an audience survey (21:16) One personal thing that I'd like to improve (23:50) The central theme of 2017 (26:41) Links and comments: http://www.entrepreneursinmotion.com/review2017/