

I simply could not resist this image I used to post this show.  It just brings me joy when I look at it and reminds me of the joy I received today by 'going with the flow'. As an entrepreneur we wear all the hats, at least in the beginning. We're the webmaster, the graphic designer, the sales rep, the accountant, the marketing guru and whatever else it takes to actually do your business.  Now, if none of these things are actually your business than, dang, you have a lot on your plate before he even get to work on your business. I happen to be one that wear all the hats and today, I had a huge list of 'to do's' I wanted to make a dent in. However, as early as breakfast time things shifted for me.  Totally unexpected events. And I had a choice, do I allow for the interruption or do I relent and put my nose to the grindstone and do my 'to do's?' I chose to 'go with the flow'.  Why, well, you'll need to listen to what I'm talking about when I say 'going with the flow'.  It may or may not be what you are thinking