

Are you a chronically late person who is always rushing to get to an appointment, finish a project? That's what this show is all about.  Recent events led me to this subject, like most of my shows, and is something I believe in one form or fashion we do to ourselves.  Whether it's because we are a procrastinator or like me, gets caught up in a project? Regardless of how we got to be a 'rusher' I truly believe it is in our best interest to change that habit or behavior.  Because in reality it is a pattern of our life and spills over into everything we do.  Think about it?  How does rushing affect you and those around you.  Is it causing you tension in a relationship?  Is it reflecting in poor time management at work?  Are your clients not feeling like you are doing a quality job for them? Listen in to hear my story, not all sunshine and roses, but real. I've been very guilty of what I am talking about, but I wanted to make a change badly enough that I did. I hope you'll share this with someone who won't hear y