

I know, you're probably smiling, thinking, yeah no kidding, Sherlock, that's the name of your show :-) And yes, that is exactly why I named it this because without community, we suffer, whether you believe that or not!  People thrive, in my perspective, when you have a support group, a community of people that you can connect with. And in this day and age, you may be thinking that's Social Media talk, but it's all kinds of connecting.  I network constantly and very consistently in our town, and not as often enough on Social Media.  But that is a promise I've made to myself and you - but you have to listen to hear more on that. It took me much longer today to produce this as I've transitioned to Windows 10 and a whole new computer!  So I'm working to get the hang of the new stuff, but wow, everything looks different on here after being with Windows 7 for 10 years!!! I hope you'll listen in to get a sneak peak of who will be part of my community of guests this year.  Starting off my "Leap of Faith" interview se