

I had written down several subjects to talk about today, but I researched my channel and oops, found out I talked on them way too many times already! So I went through my file of collected ideas.  Articles that spoke to me, ideas I had jotted down.  And the one article that grabbed me today was featured in the Sunday Morning Parade Magazine on March 15, 2015.  March 15th was my parent's anniversary - the Ides of March.  I should share that story some time :-) But today, it's about what this article shared in the power of our words and how they stir memories and bring back our past.  Some letters have changed the world.  In fact, that was the name of the article "Letters That Changed Our World." And I speak about it from my own personal perspective that hopefully will help you consider your own viewpoint on the subject. I've collected and kept cards and letters for years.  My mother and I, and now my daughter and I, get excited when we buy an old book and find a letter or note inside.  Or even that special ins