Rusty Microphone

Disaster in Japan - From a Gnostic Point of View



Podcast: 1 Hour and 10 Minutes; In MP3 Format; Free Download In this podcast we look at what happened in Japan from a Gnostic point of view. What is the meaning of Karma? Why are we having disasters all over the world? and Is there a bigger picture? Richard Roocroft and E. Jim G. Ross discuss what's happening to our planet. Samael Aun Weor, the founder of Gnostic Anthropology, said many years ago that tsunamis would devastate our shores, and radioactivity would contaminate our atmosphere. (Cosmic Teachings of a Lama, 1970) Some of the other subjects talked about in this podcast include: Tragic events from our past such as Atlantis and Lemuria, Planet X, Global warming, Vatican owned observatories, The desert of Peru, Solar flares, The ego, Albert Einstein, The seven deadly sins, The splitting of the atom is a crime against nature, and Karma. Narciso Genovese wrote the book called I have Been on Mars. According to Samael Aun Weor, this book is completely accurate in all details. This means we have already