Invisible Women In Sport

Episode 3 - Christina Roybal



Today’s guest is Christina Roybal.  Christina is the Senior Associate Athletics Director for Sports Administration and Senior Woman Administrator at the University of Northern Iowa.  As a first generation, Latina college graduate, Christina shares experiences about overcoming family criticism about her career choice to now being a role model for the younger generation in her family. Family, as a wife and mother, has not always been readily acceptable by her superiors.  In some of her professional roles, Christina has had to strategically balance how to talk about and introduce her family to her colleagues while preserving their confidence that she will have the time and focus to do her job. Christina also shares her struggles with dealing with Latino stereotypes, female stereotypes, racial slurs, and being offered positions no one wants.  Early in her career, Christina found herself concerned about saying “no” to requests and projects because she feared that would hinder her ability to advance as a woman.  He