Draft Mechanic

#53: Dice Forge review; Pit Crew on tap; Terraforming Mars: Hellas; Wordsy; Word Domination



Draft Mechanic Episode 53: Dice Forge; Pit Crew on tap; Terraforming Mars: Hellas; Wordsy & Word Domination Welcome back to another Draft Mechanic! It’s the summer of hot games, and in today’s bonus weekly episode we look at the new dice crafting game Dice Forge from Libellud. Do the parts add up to more than just a pretty package? We’ve got the new real-time racing game Pit Crew on tap with some speedy beer choices, plus first impressions of the new Hellas map for Terraforming Mars. Also in recent plays, we talk about two new word games hitting the table this summer: Wordsy and Word Domination! Danielle’s beer segment is the positive side of last week’s segment as she talks about what foeders are and how they help brewers make exceptional sour beer. Enjoy the show and don’t forget to come back next week for our Gen Con 50 preview episode! Intro 01:00 Show Housekeeping 02:46 Looking forward to Gen Con 50 04:54 IndieGoGo: Watch it Played Season 7 Fundraiser 08:07 Con Report: MegaMooseCon 12:46 Recent Plays