Draft Mechanic

#56: Ex Libris six-pack review & on tap; Codenames Duet; Custom Heroes; Seikatsu



Draft Mechanic Episode 56: Ex Libris six-pack review and on tap; Codenames: Duet; Custom Heroes; Seikatsu; The Beer Primer: Cream Ale We’re wrapping up our Summer of Hot Games bonus episodes with the hottest, freshest batch of games around! Our six-pack review for this episode is Ex Libris, the hot new release from Renegade Game Studios that will be hitting FLGS shelves soon! We’ve also got three smaller hot new titles to talk about. The first is our yearly check-in with Codenames - how does Codenames: Duet adapt and improve on the system? Second is Custom Heroes from AEG - a new ladder-climbing card game that adds Mystic Vale’s Card Crafting system to create cards that are constantly evolving throughout the game. Finally, we’re looking at Seikatsu from IDW Games, a three-player abstract game that will leave your brain fried right out. Danielle’s putting together a Beer Primer on the Cream Ale style today, and we’ve got some final thoughts from Gen Con 50 as well. Sit back, relax, and enjoy Episode 56! Intro