Draft Mechanic

#108: Imhotep The Duel



Draft Mechanic Episode #108: Imhotep: The Duel Hello there! It’s been a minute, but we’re back and ready to board game podcast. This one has games for all: one player, two player, three and four player, old, young, really that covers everything I think. But yeah! We’re talking about Imhotep: The Duel today - how does it translate to a two-player contest? We’ve got a smattering of new HABA content, some puzzles, and more ring stacking than you’d expect on a typical day with Moon Base. Dig in and enjoy! 01:00 Show Intro, News & Updates 03:20 Beer News: ABInBev is shopping again 05:52 Kickstarter Updates 09:28 Kickstarter: Fiasco in a Box 12:20 Kickstarter: Sleeping Gods 22:06 Recent Plays: Blokus Puzzle 29:45 Recent Plays: Moon Base 38:58 Recent Plays: Wobble King 44:49 Recent Plays: Dragon’s Breath 52:11 On Tap: Dragon’s Breath 58:28 Grey Fox Games Sponsorship Spot 59:22 Six Pack Review: Imhotep The Duel 59:42 Imhotep The Duel: Gameplay Overview 65:26 Imhotep The Duel: Discussion 75:47 Imhotep The Duel: Fi