Game Of Thrones Podcast

506- "Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken" Full Recap



Tonight Gary and Nicole discuss the latest episode of Game of Thrones, 506 titled “Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken”. We see a young girl who gets slapped several times by a grown man. We see a queen get carried away to rot in a dungeon, as her husband/king sits back and watch. We see a failed attempt of three heartbroken young women kidnap a young girl. We watched as another young woman married a psycho and immediately afterwards was raped by the same psycho. It was not a good day for woman in the world of Game of Thrones. Despite all the horrors we saw, we still very much enjoyed the episode.  We have been watching this show for awhile, and we know the things we see, will sometimes shock and awe us, such as a man’s face getting squished into the ground, or an evil boy die in his mother’s arms from poison, and lets not forget the time that a small child was pushed out a window. The reason we enjoy this show, is because it pushes the envelope. It tells a story unlike any other on television, and it leaves us talkin