Spiritual And Intuit

#6 Chakra Balancing, Clearing, and Activating Meditation



The seven chakras are energy centers of our body, moving energy throughout our physical body and auric fields. This meditation will facilitate balancing, clearing, and activating your chakras, which allows for removal of residues and attachments from your field and a shift into higher vibrational alignment.  First (Root) Chakra: Think red; processes energy related to survival, money, safety in the physical world, fight-flight-or-freeze. Second (Sacral) Chakra: Think orange; processes energy related to sexuality, sensuality, reproduction, creativity. Third (Solar-Plexus) Chakra: Think golden yellow; processes energy related to personal power, sense of self and worth, ambition, joy, anger. Fourth (Heart) Chakra: Think emerald green or pink; processes energy related to love and compassion. Especially important as it is the seat of connection to all else and the balancing center, as it bridges divine source and grounded Earth source energy. Fifth (Throat) Chakra: Think light blue; processes energy related to self