Loving Without Boundaries

152 Eurydice Eve Interview



EPISODE 152: Interview with Eurydice Eve. Born on Lesbos, Greece, Eurydice is a writer, artist, activist, archivist, multi-modal scholar, mentor and advocate for sexual healing. She is the author of “Satyricon USA: A Journey Across the New Sexual Frontier”, “f/32: The Second Coming,” and “f/32”. She’s the host and creator of “Speak Sex with Eve” podcast. Eury uses the male logos and the male gaze to recover and reclaim the suppressed truths they were constructed to hide. She uses embroidery / scribal writing / hand-drawing – ancient crafts that bring together her Eastern and Western heritages and feminist languages – to access the female nude as resistance. Eurydice’s art has been featured in numerous shows in Europe and the U.S. Her art practice connects her to hundreds of generations of silenced women for whom she speaks. Follow her work and adventures on the “Speak Sex with Eve” podcast wherever podcasts are played, at her website speaksexwitheve.com, and also at eurydice.net. If you get value out of the L