Loving Without Boundaries

EPISODE 169: Claire Louise Travers Interview



EPISODE 169 Interview with Claire Louise Travers Claire Louise Travers is founder and regular host of the Poly Pages podcast, with higher degrees from four European Universities, including in Philosophy and History of Ideas, and a double Masters in International Humanitarian Management. Claire uses the labels queer, pansexual and solo-poly and cannot remember a time when she felt monogamy was for her. Claire often joins the podcast remotely, as she works globally in the humanitarian aid sector. Initially begun as a podcast in 2018, by 2020, the Poly Pages platform was launched to advocate for the inclusion of non-monogamous and alternative relationship strategies in social research and public policy. In 2021, Poly Pages launched events - cutting edge conversations tailored for the academic and non-monogamous communities. Today, the Poly Pages platform critically enables academia, polyamory and social justice to come together through the podcast, resource hub, and events. You can connect with Claire on Insta