Acreto Iot Security

Russian Hacker Caught and Convicted: From US With Love - Audio Article



Russian Hacker Caught and Convicted: From US With Love. Written by Babak Pasdar, CEO and CTO of Acreto. A little while ago, a client called me in to do a security operations ‘best practices’ education session. They were a dot com site that had recently spun off from one of the major financials. They had not yet laid down their sec ops roots and were still engaged in establishing the fundamentals. They wanted an informal education session to get the entire team on the same page. Their conference room was packed with their security team as well as several people from their operations center, which I had requested. In many instances, the ops team is on the front line and often identifies and conducts the initial steps in handling security incidents. At some point during the session, I started to talk about scammers. One trick that malicious people use is to acquire domain names that are similar to the site they are targeting. Since the client was a financial and their site contained personal information for hund