Hannah And Matt Know It All

#102: Han and Matt Spotlight Jessica Weisberg



Han and Matt are joined by Jessica Weisberg, author of "Asking for a Friend: Three Centuries of Advice on Life, Love, Money, and Other Burning Questions from a Nation Obsessed" to discuss this amazing gift to advice column lovers plus some bonus historical moments: Jessica Weisberg "Asking for a Friend" on Amazon 10 Superb Questions on the History of Advice Columns Much love to the many listeners of ours on Facebook who helped contribute to these questions! John Dunton: "But REALLY Though, Should Women Legally Be Allowed to Use Beauty Products?" (1704) "Pray give your judgement, whether 'tis lawful for Women to use any Beautifying Washes or things of that kind to meliorate Nature, which some Persons are so very much against, and think 'em utterly unlawful?" SPONSOR: Podigy: The podcast editing service we partner proudly with! Benjamin Franklin: "Advice to a Young Man on the Choice of a Mistress" (1745) Ann Landers: "The Great Toilet Paper Orientation Debate" (1986) r/legaladviceofftopic: "I trained