The Amy Ahlers Show

Leesa Renee Hall: Your Inner Oppressor and Inner Mean Girl



#317: This podcast is especially for emerging, rising and established women leaders that are ready to STOP being so hard on themselves so they can make their greatest contribution, rise and lead. Show notes for today’s episode can be found at Inside every single one of us, there exists generations of unconscious biases, internalized oppression and Inner Mean Girl BS. On today’s podcast, I invited Leesa Renee Hall to explore the role of the Inner Oppressor and how she relates to your Inner Mean Girl. Leesa Renee Hall is an author, anti-bias facilitator, and social historian. Author of 10 books, including Unpack Biases Now, a workbook designed to help leaders question their implicit biases so they create truly inclusive teams, Leesa was known as a technology pioneer before turning her attention to disrupting the misinformation hardcoded deep in the mind. How your Inner Mean Girl is perpetuating White Supremacy culture How the quest for perfection is even more brutal for black women