Two Crows Podcast

TwoCrows Ep20 – Crows vs Giants aka Put a fork in us we are DONE! or Off to the DRAFT we go!!



TwoCrows Ep20 – Crows vs Giants aka Put a fork in us we are DONE! or Off to the DRAFT we go!! Intro Song…That’s all folks! Finally the media can stop, its done, finished, kaput, cue in the rack, put a fork in us we are DONE! We dissect our game vs the Giants including our 3,2,1 Why does the MRO hate Tex so much? Dmac’s 200th Will the AFC make the necessary changes and hard calls both on and off the field? Or will we just play it safe and back everyone in to not screw it all up again next year???  Movers, shakers, Tankers and Fakers Thanks for the LOL’s POOORT PEAR - you make our weekends fun, yet again McGoverns can kick after the siren,  #119 the signs were there. Kerns ordering new washing machines down at Alberton and Ali gets up to shenanigans down at Alberton on the weekend Ali has a scoop on the new Port Power club song (shhhh it’s a secret)  Twitter Twits and Shut Ya Pie Hole!!Did Kane forget how to Twitter? Kane calls GAJ a diver but won’t call out his own team who could form their own team