God Taught Me

10 Amazing Things!



Have you ever asked God to forgive you only later to feel not forgiven? I've been there and one of the best tricks the devil uses over and over is lies. Of course, that's why Jesus said the devil was the father of lies. (See John 8:44) More often than not the devil will tel us were no good, we've gone too far, we can never be forgiven for what we've done, we're unworthy to talk to God, and on and on he'll go. If we allow him he'll have us so confused and discouraged in no time! Oh, but are you're ready for some good news? Are you ready to hear the truth about what God does with our sin? Where our sin goes when we ask for forgiveness? How about 10 Amazing Things God does with our sin? That's right 10! Get ready to be blessed! For more info go to https://www.godtaughtme.com/