Artsy Af

Episode 86- Micah Ofstedahl



This week's guest is Micah Ofstedahl! < @micahofstedahl // >  In this episode we go in depth into Micah's work; his influences in the unknown and scientific realms, his attention to detail and his overall take on consciousness. Please do go to Ryan Joseph Gallery this Saturday the 14th for Micah's solo show. I can personally attest that seeing his work in person is super critical to appreciating it after being given a sneak peek on Saturday. Micah also gives his backstory and talks about how he navigates the art world in terms of getting his work out there.  As always if you'd like to support me on Patreon head on over to The Artsy-est Podcast in the Metaverse and chip in to help me reach my goal of $1,000/month. If I get there, I will be able to: get better equipment; pay my now pro-bono video editor; and market the podcast to a wider audience. Huge shouts to all my current patrons and to everyone taking the time to listen and share with their friends. You guys are invaluab