Yoga Wisdom With Swami Satchidananda

Hari OM



"Hari Om" chant led by Yoga master Sri Swami Satchidananda. Hari Om is a universal chant and does not belong to any particular religion. Begin with the sound “ha” at the naval. By repeating that sound, the abdomen contracts and you will feel something at the naval area. Try it: Repeat “ha.” Your energy is sleeping at the naval and the repetition of the sound wakes it up. You can feel the “kick” at the naval when you repeat that sound. It’s the best way of giving yourself an energy boost. When you repeat “Ha,” you feel it in the abdomen and when you repeat the second syllable spelled “ri” but pronounced, “re,” the sound comes up to your throat. Then the moment you begin repeating the “O” sound of Om, the entire head vibrates above the throat. And when you close the lips to repeat “mmmmm,” the vibration rises up into the crown of the head and even above the head. You are literally lifting yourself up and above to have communication from above. This is a very simple, but efficient practice to have communicatio